What Can The HCAA Do For Me?

The HCAA's prime purpose is to improve its members' skills, and it holds regular working seminars, educational courses, and commercial presentations of matters requested by the members and seen as of positive educational and professional benefit by the Executive Committee.

Through the HCAA you will gain direct access to the leading financial people in the hotel industry, and their knowledge and expertise will be there for you to call upon.

All members will receive the periodic HCAA Bulletin and regular newsletters of the Association which contain articles of general interest and updates of the latest personnel movements in Hong Kong hotels. This is also a forum for you to put forward ideas or points of your own.

Career advice and guidance will be available both formally and informally.

Social activities will provide ample opportunity to meet and exchange views with colleagues in similar positions, other corporations and related industries.

A database of technical and education information will be built up as a membership resource. Objective assessment of commercial and technical developments can take place with others in a similar position.

All of the above activities will be on a non-profit basis giving members every advantage of discounts and group rates.

Contacts with other international bodies of a similar nature in the UK, North America, Holland and Australia have already been made and expansion into the PRC and S.E. Asia is a prime goal.